It's a common refrain when somebody complains about a penis being too big: "That's impossible! Women pass whole babies through their vagina during childbirth, and they're much larger than your penis could ever be!"
And while yes, it is true that babies to fit through vaginas and are larger than even the biggest of penises, that is a simply terrible comparison.
Sex is supposed to be enjoyable; childbirth almost never is
With the exception of some women that are somehow predisposed to pain-free child birthing, delivering a baby is usually incredibly painful. And that's even with multiple hormones that help the woman's body prepare for the extreme stretching the cervix, vaginal canal, and vaginal opening are about to endure. And that's before we get to modern painkillers administered by a physician, including epidural injections directly into the spinal cord.
Sex, on the other hand, should not be painful. With a large dick you can help to mitigate the potential for pain with extensive foreplay and lube, though just as there penises come in all sizes so do vaginas. There's not always a good anatomical match and all the foreplay and lube in the world won't be enough to have pain-free sex. Which can absolutely suck; but even then that discomfort isn't nearly on the same level as childbirth.

Childbirth can leave women with lasting injuries
It might surprise a lot of men to learn that significant tearing is very common during vaginal childbirth. Roughly three quarters of women experience tearing of the perineum or undergo an episiotomy (surgical cut) to alleviate the strain and avoid a more brutal tear. The perineum is the stretch of skin between the vagina and the anus and isn't built to take extreme stretching; humans evolved to grow larger heads for our big brains, but female anatomy did not keep up. Nerve damage in the perineum can also occur, resulting in lasting pelvic pain.
The pelvic floor muscles are also seriously strained during childbirth. These muscles help to support the uterus, bladder, and bowel, and even contribute to vaginal tightness. Up to half of women experience pelvic floor tears that can take a long time to fully recover.
While less common these days, the death of the mother during childbirth is still a real risk. Severe bleeding, amniotic fluid entering the mother's bloodstream, infections, and even heart attacks and stroke can take the mother's life.
Literally none of that should ever happen in sex, even with the largest of penises. Microtears of the vaginal opening can occur with an extremely girthy dick, as is spotting of blood from those tears, but if the woman has to go to the hospital then something has gone terribly wrong. She certainly should not be fucked to death.
At worst, even after a hard night with a huge cock, a woman may experience some pelvic discomfort and walk funny the next day. Nothing an ibuprofen and an ice pack can't help alleviate. The aftermath of childbirth is much harder to recover from. Not only was the woman's anatomy just violently stretched to pass an infant, but her body is recovering from nine months of pregnancy and all those hormones that flooded her bloodstream to cloud the pain of labor are now gone.
It's generally recommended to wait four to six weeks after delivery to even consider any sort of penetrative sexual activity — not fingers, not toys, and certainly not penises — to give the vagina a chance to heal. The risk of complications before then are too high to roll those dice. Besides, with a newborn infant to care for the parents will probably be too exhausted to think much about sex anyway.
Just not the same
We've established that childbirth is far more traumatic than consensual sex with even the largest penis could ever be. So the concept is true — a penis can't be too big, right?
The key problem with that comparison is that sex is supposed to be enjoyable for both parties involved. It takes a massive amount of hormones and painkillers to mask the pain of vaginal delivery to the level of merely excruciating, and the woman's body literally reconfigures itself for the beating its about to take.
No matter how great a man is at foreplay, a sexually aroused vagina will never be in the same extreme state that it is during pregnancy.