Despite what pop culture might tell you, sex with a big dick presents unique challenges and limitations. If you find yourself gifted with a long or thick penis (or both!), then you'll find that not every sex position works well for you — especially if you're exceptionally long. Popular options like doggy style and legs up are actually among the worst options for a well-endowed man. They allow for deeper penetration, which is great for men with average or short penises, but means cervix-punching doom for guys with excess length.
So what's a guy with a massive cock supposed to do in bed? Here are seven great options for men with long dicks and the women they're having sex with.
Let's start with what you need to do before sex: foreplay. Good foreplay is a great tool for men of all sizes, and is absolutely essential for larger men. Women need to be "warmed up" before penetration, and foreplay helps to relax the muscles of the vagina, kickstart her natural lubrication, and provide her with plenty of stimulation of her own.
Many women struggle to orgasm with penetration alone, regardless of the size of the dick. While you can absolutely bring toys like vibrators into play to provider her with clitoral stimulation while you pump away, it's never a bad idea to use cunnilingus to bring her to orgasm before you even think about sticking your dick in. More than once isn't even a bad idea.
Sex should be fun and satisfying for both of you, so what have you got to lose? She gets off, you get a vagina that's better prepared for entry.
1. Cowgirl

Cowgirl / girl-on-top might seem like a surprise entry on this list, since it's also a favorite position of average and small men. The benefit of cowgirl is that it gives the woman control over how deep the penetration goes. With a smaller man she can take the penis all the way in and grind her clitoris against his pelvis for additional stimulation. And with a larger man, she can simply not go down as far. You also get a view of each other's face and bodies, which is great for intimacy.
For the cowgirl position man should lay on his back and slightly bend his legs to lift his thighs to act as a depth buffer. The woman then straddles him, face-to-face, and lowers herself onto his penis.
2. Reverse cowgirl

Like its face-to-face counterpart, reverse cowgirl works well for men of all sizes. With larger dicks the woman has more control over how much she takes in, and can easily lift off when it's too much. Reverse cowgirl is also a good position for dicks that curve down, as it provides a vaginal path that more closely matches that shape. While the view for the woman isn't the best (unless she's into feet), the man gets a great view of her ass and vagina, and his dick doing its thing.
For the reverse cowgirl position the man should lay on his back. The woman the straddles him, facing his feet. She can lower herself directly onto his penis, or lean back so that she's laying with her back on his chest and have him slowly enter that way before sitting back up.
3. Seated straddle

Seated straddle is another sex position that uses's the man's thighs and woman's butt as a buffer and allows the woman control over the depth of penetration. It is one of the more intimate positions, as it relies on both partners holding on close to and moving against each other.
For the seated straddle position the man should sit in a chair or on the edge of the bed, while the woman will face and straddle him, putting her legs on either side of his. An alternate posture has the man fully on the bed or floor, seated with his legs folded under him and the the woman's legs straddling either side of his torso.
4. Missionary

While is may be considered old-fashioned, missionary position is great for sex with a large penis. Not only does it provide plenty of intimacy from body-on-body contact, by simply positioning the man's body slightly lower than typical too-deep penetration can be avoided. Additionally, the woman can use her thighs to push back against too-aggressive thrusting.
For the missionary position the woman should lie on her back and spread her thighs wide enough for the man's legs to fit between. He then leans over her, using his arms on either side of her to support his weight, and thrusts in and out with his hips. Missionary position can also be flipped, with the woman on top and controlling how the depth of penetration, like a flattened cowboy position.
5. Prone Bone

Think of prone bone as form of a reverse missionary. With her legs positioned close together and vagina down between them, this position allows her own body to serve as a depth buffer. It's also an easy position for quickly switching to anal sex (though the man should be careful not to do that accidentally).
For the prone bone position, the woman lies on her front with her legs together and slightly lifts her hips. The man straddles her and enters from behind, either in a sitting position or supporting himself over her body.
6. Spooning

Let's get down together on the bed. Spooning isn’t just for cuddling — it's also great for sex, especially with a long dick. In many ways it's like prone bone just rotated onto the side. So long as the woman keeps her legs close to parallel with her torso she'll be able to use them as a buffer between the man's penis and her vagina. Spooning also reduces the muscle strain on either partner having to hold themselves up with their limbs.
For the spooning position, the man lays on his side on the bed and the woman lies in front of him with her back to his chest. From there the man enters between her legs. The woman can control how much of a buffer her legs provide by changing the angle; bringing her thighs closer to her body reduces the buffer, while straightening out will increase it.
7. Side-by-side

Also called "reverse spoon" (even though it loses all "spooning"), side-by-side is like missionary rotated onto its side. Like spooning, it reduces the muscular demand on both partners over its vertically-oriented counterpart. It also provides plenty of face-to-face intimacy that's missing from spooning, at least without having to contort your body around. And you won't be dripping sweat on each other. By keeping her legs close to straight and together, the woman will be able to use her thighs as a depth limiter.
For the side-by-side position, the man and woman lie on the bed facing each other. The woman keeps her legs together while the man enters her vagina between her thighs. She can adjust how her legs are positioned to provide more or less of a buffer to deep penetration.
Positions to avoid with a long cock
There are several positions to avoid when having sex with a huge penis. In general, any position that is designed for deeper penetration will be a bad match with a long penis, as a penis longer than 6 or 7 inches is likely to impact her cervix in these sorts of positions and cause sex-ending pain.
Particularly, deep penetration positions like doggy, legs up, seashell, and pile driver are to be avoided when working with a large penis. While these are popular positions in porn, it's worth remember that (1) porn dicks aren't nearly as big as they seem or are claimed, and (2) the actors in porn are acting and paid to pretend that they're enjoying it, not to mention accustomed to the abuse or simply equipped with more spacious vaginas than the average woman. Just as it's not helpful to compare your basketball skills to LeBron James, you should also only look at porn as entertainment, not instruction.
Lube and bumpers
Foreplay and specific positions are great for sex with a big dick, but they're not the only tools at your disposal.
Lube is the big dick's best friend. While many women are able to produce adequate lubrication on their own for sex with the typical man, when a thicker penis comes into play that may simply not be enough. When it comes to sex with the well-endowed, friction is the enemy and lube is your friend.
If you're working with a particularly long dick, a penis depth limiter can be a vital tool to open up additional position options. These silicone bumpers go around the base of your dick and do what the name says — they serve as a stop to limit the depth you can penetrate. That was you can take on more vigorous positions without worrying about going too deep.

Astroglide water-based sexual lubricant
There's zero shame in helping things slide right along, and few lubes do that better or more affordably than Astroglide.

Überlube silicone-based sexual lubricant
Silicone-based lubes like Überlube are safe for internal use and with condoms, and doesn't dry out anywhere near as quickly as water-based lubes.

Ohnut depth limiters
Dick's just too long and you keep smashing your lady's cervix? Throw a few Ohnut depth limiting rings around your base to provide a stop before you go too far.